Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012

T21 Traveling Afghan moving on

Hi there,
if you are able to read a little German, you might have noticed that last night was a special night. The Stuttgart association 46PLUS (meaning 46 chromosomes plus 1) Down-Syndrom Stuttgart e. V. presented its new foto calendar 2013 in the city hall last night. 14 German celebraties joined foto shotings with kids with down syndrom the past few months - and the results speak for themselves. I wrote about it.

I took advantage of this event and passed the afghan on to Malin - she is also a member of 46PLUS as well as me - and so the afghan moved on last night - from Benjamin to Malin... way to go - the Afghan is on the run on Germany now! By the way - Malin and I "own" a month in the new calendar, Malin even made it on the cover - a real cover girl has the Afghan now!!! You can order it online - the calendar! :-)

Ben - attending the 46PLUS calendar presentation in the Stuttgart city hall

Ben passed the Afghan on to Malin - enjoy!!!

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